Harvest school has been amazing! We are so thrilled to be around so many people that love Jesus and are hungry for more of His goodness. We have had the opportunity to go out on 2 outreaches to a nearby community called Diepsloot – a marginalised community but with such beautiful people.
As we walked around this township, that has about 1 million people, curious children appeared and followed us. We were able to love in a practical way by passing out food to the hungry and praying for those in need.
Curious and slightly nervous faces on the children soon turned into smiles and laughter as we danced and played with them and gave them hugs. Felt so good and so at home.
The second outreach saw many more God appointments where we could share love and prayer. A highlight in the group that we went with was a young boy with a week-old broken leg completely restored. He went jumping and running off to show his mama. 🙂
God is soooo amazing!!
Looks like you guys are having fun…Well I can see Diana is, Craig did you actually go? No photos I am starting to wonder.
Peace/Love and all the jazz-fizzle stuff.
The Cook.
Yay God! So exciting to hear how you guys are doing!